About Enpac Pallets & Crates Inc.

Enpac pallets & Crates was formed as a "Green" company, over 20 years ago, before it was fashionable. We recognized, early on, what was once considered waste, could be an ideal, cost effective building material in which to construct our customer's shipping platforms. From that point forward, recycling and reuse, became our focus and business. A decision that made financial and environmental sense, then as it does now. Wood recovery, pallet repair and recycling provides us with the necessary materials we need to meet our customer's demand, reducing the pressure on forest resources and cuts the amount of waste entering into our landfills by over 20%. A wise decision, made over 20 years ago, that serves our customer and community needs responsibly, today.

Businesses concerned with rising costs and responsible utilization of natural resources, turn to Enpac for advice and answers. Are you seeking ways to reduce your cost to buy pallets and crates? Looking to lower the cost associated with wood waste disposal ? Enpac can help.